What is a grammar checker?

Grammar checker is one of the solutions to grammar writing problems. It is an innovative technology solution that makes the writing life easier. The grammar checker helps to fix proper English writing. As a writer to make sure that all grammar mistakes have been corrected, is not something easy since it needs advanced technology, smart analyzing and huge knowledge about the basic writing skills. This is something we can not achieve easily. So, the grammar checker will help check grammar in a written document, it will show all the misspellings and typos correction. After detecting all these problems in a document, then the grammar checker will give suggestions on the proper punctuations to make the document more sensible and clear.

Generally, the grammar checker analyzes the structure of the sentence, and transforms it to a comprehensible sentence. It teaches learners the basic rules of grammar, therefore, helping them to achieve better goals in writing. The grammar checker will help folks to use writing as a main tool for working; either at office or at home. Finally, the grammar checker will the writes problems in constructing sentences; therefore, the best sensible document produced free of grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.

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